Re: what cp will satisfy IE 6?

on 9/20/01 3:10 PM, Ben Wright at wrote:

> I am not a technical guy and I have no server to test CPs on.  In my
> Monogaph "Disavow P3P Liability: Deploy Cookies With Legal Peace of Mind
> Under Internet Explorer 6," I have assumed the following CP would under IE
> 6 enable third party cookies to function fully:
> Is my assumption correct?

My first (quite recent) post here asked if anyone is successfully using
cookies in IE6 in a third-party context. I didn't get a response yet.

Specifically, I'm using cookies.

I can share much more data about my situation and provide examples.

BTW, Andreas... I hope I didn't come off to rough. I have tried hard to get
this working and seem to have the CP 'right' now, yet no success. To hear
'track session a different way' was only frustrating. We have considered
that, but can't right now and never foresaw such a difficulty with such a
simple technology.

Ken Martin

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 16:37:51 UTC