Re: Policy Reference File Syntax?

I think, you say, that your cookie honors all three policies? I would
wonder. Why don't you make a statement about your cookie and than a
statement about the other parts of your server:

<META xmlns="">
   <POLICY-REF about="p3p_policy.xml#cookies">
 	<COOKIE-INCLUDE name="*" value="*" domain="*" path="*"/>
   <POLICY-REF about="p3p_policy.xml#subdir1">
   <POLICY-REF about="p3p_policy.xml#subdir2">
   <POLICY-REF about="p3p_policy.xml#subdir3">

This way, you have a policy for your cookie and policies for your
different other resources. If you use the cookie on the different parts
differently, you might want to state that with more specific
cookie-include rules in connection with your subdirectories.



On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 01:11:46PM -0500, Christian Abad wrote:
> Folks:
> I just wanted to make sure I have the syntax correct to reference different
> P3P Full Policies for different subdirectories under the same domain.
> Does the following Policy Reference file look correct?
> <META xmlns="">
>     <POLICY-REF about="p3p_policy.xml#subdir1">
>        <INCLUDE>/subdir1/*</INCLUDE>
>        <COOKIE-INCLUDE name="*" value="*" domain="*" path="*"/>
>     </POLICY-REF>
>     <POLICY-REF about="p3p_policy.xml#subdir2">
>        <INCLUDE>/subdir2/*</INCLUDE>
>        <COOKIE-INCLUDE name="*" value="*" domain="*" path="*"/>
>     </POLICY-REF>
>     <POLICY-REF about="p3p_policy.xml#subdir3">
>        <INCLUDE>/subdir3/*</INCLUDE>
>        <COOKIE-INCLUDE name="*" value="*" domain="*" path="*"/>
>     </POLICY-REF>
> </META>
> Thanks!
> Christian "I think I'm getting the hang of this!" Abad

Received on Monday, 10 December 2001 12:08:24 UTC