Re: encoded policy

The spec does not require user agents to do any manipulation of
policy files to obtain a proper XML P3P policy. Sites should not
post gziped policy files. Given that policy files are failry
small to begin with, there is no reason they should need to do that.
You should inform the site that this is not valid (or let me know what
site it is and I'll be happy to inform them).


----- Original Message -----
From: "elena" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 5:57 AM
Subject: encoded policy

 I've found out a web site whose policy reference file references a policy
in gzip fomat. Is it in charge of the user agent implementer to check the
content-encoding header and, if it has the features, properly decode it, or
Thank you very much.
Elena Dasseni
Dottore in Informatica
v. Frigia, 27
20126 Milano (Italia)
phone: +39-02-25771-390

Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 09:13:07 UTC