RE: [ARCH] two minor issues in current MMI-Arch spec


We accept your comments and will update the specification accordingly.
Thank you for the careful and detailed review that you have given the


-          Jim Barnett


[] On Behalf Of Jakob Sachse
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [ARCH] two minor issues in current MMI-Arch spec




I have been rechecking my findings and found another point that i would

like to comment on.


In contrast to what i wrote in my prior mail, not all .xsd files in
Appendix C 

have attributeFormDefault and elementFormDefault set.


- mmi.xsd (Appendix C.1)


Neither has elementFormDefault = "qualified" on the schema element

nor form="qualified" on the mmi-element definition set. Since

"unqualified" is the default value all mmi elements are to be used
unqualified only.

This, as far as I know, makes most of the examples invalid as they

use the mmi element in a qualified way.


- mmi-datatypes.xsd (Appendix C.2)


Does not have attributeFormDefault nor elementFormDefault set. Which

it being set to the default value "unqualified". Types and Attributes
defined in this

xsd will have to be used without namespace prefix. But other .xsd
documents (e.g. 

mmi-attribs.xsd (Appendix C.3)) reference them with prefix. 



I am not a great expert on the XML Schema spec but I think someone
should look into

this. One thing I had to find out (while investigating my findings) was

elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault won't get inherited by child

included in the parent documents.


Any comments are welcome!


Thanks & Regards, 



2011/3/27 Jakob Sachse <>


I have been reviewing the current specification. Even though it yet
quite a mature impression I found some flaws that may should be revised.

The .xsd files in Appendix C require a valid mmi-representation to have
qualified attributes.

Given that it seems Appendix B is not in line with the spec.
Examples there  (see exerpt below)  are not using qualified attributes.
<mmi:newContextRequest source="someURI" target="someOtherURI"

On the other side examples in Appendix E are valid to the xsd
<mmi:startRequest mmi:requestID="1.237204761416E12"
   <gui resourceid="login" xml:lang="de-DE">
     <data id="back" enabled="false"/>
     <data id="next" enabled="false"/>

Another minor issue I came across was that in Appendix F.2 the spec
[...]The parameter timeout is optional and describes the maximum delay
in milliseconds.[...]

Whereas the following sequence diagrams are using seconds as time unit.
e.g. 30 sec

That's what I came across so far. Overall it is fair to say that the
working draft makes a good impression on me.

Jakob Sachse.

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Received on Monday, 16 May 2011 13:54:28 UTC