- From: Vili Lehdonvirta <vili.lehdonvirta@hiit.fi>
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 21:04:31 +0900
- To: undisclosed-recipients:;
** The deadline for the Pervasive 2010 Call for demos, videos, posters and doctoral colloquium papers has been extended until Monday, 15 February. Please find the original call below. ** Pervasive 2010, the Eight International Conference on Pervasive Computing, will be held 17-20 May 2010 in Helsinki, Finland, www.pervasive2010.org This annual conference provides a premier forum for researchers to present their latest results in all areas related to architecture, design, implementation, application and evaluation of pervasive computing as it integrates into our lives. Pervasive 2010 builds on the success of previous conferences in this series held in Zurich (August 2002), in Linz/Vienna (April 2004), in Munich (May 2005), in Dublin (May 2006), Toronto (May 2007), Sydney (May 2008) and Nara (May 2009). Pervasive 2010 will include Pervasive Plaza, an exhibition including demos, videos and posters, as well as a doctoral colloquium for PhD students. We still welcome contributions in the form of demos, videos, posters and doctoral colloquium papers. Relevant topics in the conference include, but are not limited to * Technologies and devices for pervasive computing * Software aspects, including middleware and operating systems for pervasive computing * Tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques for designing, implementing & deploying pervasive computing systems * Applications of pervasive computing technologies * Interfaces and modes of interactions between people and pervasive computing devices, applications or environments * Evaluations and evaluation methods for assessing the impact of pervasive computing devices, applications or environments * Privacy, security, trust & social issues and implications of pervasive computing === Call for demonstrations The category of research demonstrations offers a unique opportunity to showcase research prototypes, and to discuss them with an international audience of experts in pervasive computing. To promote this, Pervasive 2010 is seeking interesting and engaging demonstrations of pervasive computing technologies. Proposers are invited to submit Research Demonstrations under the general topics of the conference. For a more detailed description and submission information, please see www.pervasive2010.org === Call for videos Videos are an effective tool to showcase research results, to inspire other researchers, and to educate the general public about the latest developments in Pervasive Computing. With the category of Research Videos, Pervasive 2010 seeks research contributions, future visions, project descriptions, and concepts of pervasive computing technologies, systems and applications. The conference particularly values practical experience with design, deployment and use of pervasive systems and applications, and investigation of exciting and inspiring ideas and technologies. For a more detailed description and submission information, please see www.pervasive2010.org === Call for posters The Pervasive 2010 Posters track offers a concise format for authors to contribute novel ideas and recent research findings in pervasive computing technologies, systems, and applications and share their ideas in a discussion-oriented forum. In contrast to papers, poster abstracts may report on preliminary work, late-breaking results, smaller findings, or work otherwise in progress. For a more a detailed description and submission information, please see www.pervasive2010.org === Call for Doctoral Colloquium Papers The doctoral colloquium offers a chance for PhD students to receive high- quality feedback from external reviewers and to directly interact with peers, to exchange ideas, discuss concepts, and establish informal cooperation between research groups. PhD students and candidates are invited to present, discuss and defend their work-in-progress or preliminary results in an international and renowned audience of researchers and developers in the ubiquitous computing field at Pervasive 2010. PhD students and candidates at all stages in the process are invited to submit a thesis position paper, but preference is given to students early on in their PhD work. Participants will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the Colloquium, to be followed by a discussion. For more a detailed description and submission information, please see www.pervasive2010.org === Critical Dates * 15 February 2010 (extended) Submission deadline for demos, videos, posters and doctoral colloquium papers * 8 March 2010 Author Notification * 31 March 2010 Camera-ready deadline for paper submissions --- Best regards, Greger Lindén Pervasive 2010 Conference Manager
Received on Thursday, 11 February 2010 12:05:35 UTC