- From: Julie Kientz <jkientz@u.washington.edu>
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 07:38:28 -0800
- To: "ubicomp2009@lists.andreas-bulling.de" <ubicomp2009@lists.andreas-bulling.de>
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call, it has been posted to several relevant mailing lists. Please redistribute within your own group or among colleagues, thank you!] CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS ---------------------- Ubicomp 2009 - 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA September 30 - October 3, 2009 http://www.ubicomp.org Ubicomp is the premier outlet for novel research contributions that advance the state of the art in the design, development, deployment, evaluation and understanding of ubiquitous computing systems. Ubicomp is an interdisciplinary field of research and development that utilizes and integrates pervasive, wireless, embedded, wearable and/or mobile technologies to bridge the gaps between the digital and physical worlds. The Ubicomp 2009 program features keynotes, technical paper sessions, specialized workshops, live demonstrations, posters, video presentations, panels and a Doctoral Colloquium. We are seeking your innovative and impacting contributions and look forward to welcome you in Orlando next year. For general inquiries, please contact Sumi Helal, General Chair at chair2009@ubicomp.org or Hans Gellersen and Sunny Consolvo, Program Co-Chairs at pcchairs2009@Ubicomp.org. Important Dates 1. Papers & Notes * Submission: April 17, 2009 (5pm PST). * Author notification: June 15, 2009 * Final manuscript: July 17, 2009 2. Workshops * Submission of proposals: March 6, 2009 (23:59 PST) * Notification of proposal acceptance: April 6, 2009 * Workshop Call for Papers distribution: April 17, 2009 * Submission of WS Papers: June 25, 2009 * Notification of acceptance of WS papers: July 20, 2009 * Final Manuscript: August 1, 2009 3. Demonstrations * Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) * Author notification: July 20, 2009 * Final manuscript: August 1, 2009 4. Posters * Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) * Author notification: July 20, 2009 * Final manuscript: August 1, 2009 5. Video * Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) * Author notification: July 20, 2009 * Final manuscript: August 1, 2009 6. Panels * Submission: March 20, 2009 (23:59 PST) * Notification: May 20, 2009 7. Doctoral Colloquium * Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) * Author notification: July 20, 2009 * Final manuscript: August 1, 2009 1. Call for Papers and Notes Ubicomp 2009 will include a highly selective single-track program of Full Papers (10 pages) and Notes (4 pages). Relevant topic areas for papers and notes include, but are not limited to: * devices & techniques - descriptions of the design, architecture, usage and evaluation of devices and techniques that create valuable new capabilities for ubiquitous computing * systems & infrastructures - descriptions of the design, architecture, deployment and evaluation of systems and infrastructures that support ubiquitous computing * applications - descriptions of the design and/or study of applications that leverage Ubicomp devices and systems * methodologies & tools - new methods and tools applied to studying or building Ubicomp systems and applications * theories & models - critical analysis or organizing theory with clear relevance to the design or study of Ubicomp systems * experiences - empirical investigations of the use of new or existing Ubicomp technologies with clear relevance to the design and deployment of future Ubicomp systems Ubicomp 2009 encourages papers that reflect the breadth and scope of Ubicomp research, including conceptual development, empirical investigations, technological advances, user experiences, and more. Although it is expected that papers will focus on one or a small number of the aforementioned areas, authors should write for the broader Ubicomp audience, and make clear how the work contributes to the Ubicomp field as a whole. As with Ubicomp 2008, Ubicomp 2009 is soliciting Notes (not works in progress!) that will be included in the conference proceedings and program. Full Papers (10 pages) and Notes (4 pages) are due at the same time and will be reviewed by the same committee using the same review process to ensure a uniform quality between Full Papers and Notes. We strongly recommend that authors carefully consider whether their submission should be a Full Paper or a Note based on the amount of contribution or scope of the work, as there will be no mechanism for re-considering a submitted Full Paper as a shorter Note. Guidelines for preparation and submission of Full Papers and Notes are available on the conference web site. Questions about this call for Papers & Notes should be directed to the Program Chairs, Hans Gellersen and Sunny Consolvo at pcchairs2009@Ubicomp.org. 2. Call for Workshop Proposals Ubicomp 2009 invites proposals for one day workshops be held on Wednesday, September 30th, prior to the main conference. The Workshops program will provide a forum for attendees to discuss specialized topics or topics of special interest. Important dates and guidelines for the submission of the workshop proposals are available on the conference web site. For more information about the Workshops program, contact Jakob Bardram at workshops2009@Ubicomp.org 3. Call for Demonstrations The Demonstrations Program offers an excellent way to showcase tangible results of ubiquitous computing research and development to hundreds of attendees from academia and industry. A successful demo communicates ideas and concepts in a powerful way that a regular presentation cannot. Ubicomp 2009 seeks proposals for demonstrations of ubiquitous computing technologies across the full milieu of everyday life: office, home, street, park, train, automobile, bedroom, bathroom, work, play, desktop, handheld, worn, public, private, community, individual, shared, and personal. We welcome a wide range of submission from scenarios involving innovative and creative solutions of focused tasks as well as playful pursuits. Guidelines for preparation and two-parts submission procedure of Demo proposals are available on the conference web site. Questions about this Call for Demonstrations should be directed to the Demo Co-Chairs: Pei Zhang and Tsutomu Terada at demos2009@Ubicomp.org 4. Call for Posters The Posters program provides researchers with an opportunity to present their bleeding-edge work in an interactive fashion in front of an expert audience, without impacting the possibility of publishing as a full paper at a later date. Accepted Posters will be presented in three forms: as a poster at the conference poster reception, at the "1-minute madness" session preceding the reception, and as an extended abstract distributed to the attendees.. UBicomp 2009 encourages the submission of preliminary or exploratory work, smaller projects or results not suitable for a full paper, and any other research that would excite discussion and benefit from this open forum. Guidelines for Posters submission are available on the conference web site. For more information contact the Posters Co-Chairs: Hani Hagras and Kristof Van Laerhoven at posters2009@Ubicomp.org 5. Call for Videos Videos are an important means of visualizing the results of research and development efforts. In Ubicomp 2009, we welcome the contribution of videos which demonstrate the practical application of research results and the functionality of ubiquitous computing systems, visualize the outcome of research and development projects, or describe inspiring visions of future systems that are grounded in today's reality. We encourage the submission of videos either as new material or as supplemental to paper submissions (e.g. in order to illustrate particular aspects of a system). In order to be eligible, videos should not have been previously presented in any other formal video program. In addition, a video (with audio soundtrack) must be self-explanatory without requiring the viewer to read the abstract. Topics of interest as well as guidelines for preparing and submitting Videos are available on the conference web site. For more information, contact Videos Co-Chairs: Achilles Kameas and Christian Kray at videos2009@Ubicomp.org 6. Call for Panels Ubicomp 2009 invites proposals for Panels addressing interdisciplinary and controversial issues in: (1) Ubicomp visions, roadmaps, bottlenecks, and road blocks, (2) Gaps between laboratory ubicomp and real-life ubicomp, (3) Ubicomp research methodologies and approaches, theories and models, (4) Legal and ethical issues, and (5) Adoption in social and cultural contexts. Panel sessions will be up to 90 minutes long. Proposers should seek to invite three or four panelists with academic and/or business expertise in the featured topical area. Proposers should be willing to frame the issues and moderate discussion, or propose a separate moderator who will do so. The objective of panels is an examination of the subject matter at hand, with an invitation to audience members to actively participate in the discussion through the posing of questions to panelists. Guidelines for Panel proposal submission are available on the conference web site. For more information, please contact Michael Weber, Panels Chair at panels2009@ubicomp.org 7. Call for Doctoral Colloquium The Doctoral Colloquium at the Ubicomp 2009 conference offers students in the final stages of their Ph.D. research a unique forum for presenting their work and engaging in discussion with top experts in the field of ubiquitous computing. The Colloquium offers students the valuable opportunity to receive feedback and perspectives on their research from recognized experts in the field and other senior doctoral students, and to hear about and offer feedback on cutting-edge research being performed by other doctoral candidates. The scope of the Doctoral Colloquium includes all major areas of ubiquitous computing. Participants will give high-level presentations of their dissertation research, followed by discussion with the faculty and other colloquium students. Applicants should be late-stage Ph.D. students with a well-established direction of research in ubiquitous computing, who are at still a stage sufficiently far from completion that their dissertations can benefit from the advice and feedback of the Colloquium. Guidelines for submission are available on the conference web site. For further information, contact Doctorial Colloquium Chair: Raja Bose at dc2009@ubicomp.org -- * Julie A. Kientz, Assistant Professor ~ Department of Technical Communication & The Information School * University of Washington * http://www.juliekientz.com ~ Phone: 206-221-0614 ~ Fax: 206-543-8858
Received on Sunday, 18 January 2009 15:10:02 UTC