Re: one example in SMIL

>  <head>
>    <layout type="text/smil-basic">
>      <!-- define screen areas -->
>      <channel id="text" left="50" top="150" />
>      <channel id="fond" left="5" top="5" />
>      <channel id="smiley" left="70" top="180" />
>    </layout>
>  </head>
>  <body>
>    <par endsync = "first" >
>      <seq >
>        <par endsync = "first" >
>          <text  channel="text" src="data/Merry.html" />
>          <audio src="data/" />
>        </par>
>        <par endsync = "first" >
>          <seq>
>             <ref src="" dur="2s" />
>             <img channel="smiley" src="data/smiley.gif" dur="6s" />
>             <ref src="" dur="7s"  />
>          </seq>
>          <text channel="text" src="data/And.html"  dur="15s"/>
>        </par>
>        <par endsync = "first" >
>          <text channel="text" src="data/Happy.html" />
>          <audio src="data/"/>
>        </par>
>      </seq>
>      <seq >
>        <img channel="fond" src="data/C_Pict1.gif" dur="3s"/>
>        <img channel="fond" src="data/C_Pict2.gif" dur="14s"/>
>        <img channel="fond" src="data/C_Pict3.gif"  dur="5s"/>
>        <img channel="fond" src="data/C_Pict4.gif" dur="4s"/>
>      </seq>
>   </par>

I believe the outer most <par> should have endsync="last". Otherwise the
whole presentation terminates when the sequence of images terminates (so
I never got to "AND" and "happy new year".).

<ref src="" dur="2s" /> is not legal in SMIL, although HPAS interprets it
as temporal delay (which is what you are expecting). To represent delay
in <seq>, simply do this instead:

  <img channel="smiley" src="data/smiley.gif" begin="2s" dur="6s" />

The end delay should be done outside of that particular <seq>.

>We try to play this specification with the DEC Prototype.
>We have some minors problems :
>audio objects are not played (.au is supported  ?? )
>colors of text are not always taken into account.

The three HTML text are all displayed in red when I ran the presentation.
For audio, there is some caching problem with JMF/Netscape. You should be able
to play audio in the second time (once the audio is partially cached by


Received on Wednesday, 18 February 1998 21:04:38 UTC