Potential f2f topics

Hi all,

I've received a couple of inquiries offline, asking about the
potential topics Kaz and I were considering for the f2f.
The ones we discussed included;

- how to best take advantage of "always on" over the Web.
Is the WAP 2.0 model of putting a micro web server on the
device the best choice?  What are the issues in doing this
for wireless?
- in 2.5/3G networks, how "always on" is "always on", and what
do we need from our protocols (if anything) to help us cope when
"always on" only means "mostly on".
- if, because of "always on", more information will be pushed
our way, rather than pulled, how should personalization work?
Is anything more needed of CC/PP, HTTP, or other parts of the
stack to handle this case?
- mobile web services; is anything special required?

Kaz also had an interesting idea, but I'll leave it to him to
decide what he wants to say about it at this time.

There you have it.  Comments and suggestions for additional topics
are always welcome.


Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2001 15:40:11 UTC