Re: mime type for cHtml??

>> > What is the mime type for HTTP responses containing cHtml (ala iMode)?
Mark Baker wrote:
> Given that I can browse i-mode pages in Netscape, presumably it's using
> text/html.  This seems entirely reasonable to me, as CHTML is a subset
> (modulo a couple freaky tags like MARQUEE) of existing HTML
> specifications.

yes it is text/html

> Since most i-mode pages are encoded in format other than us-ascii, they
> should also have a charset parameter on that media type

Yes: with a few exceptions all imode pages are in Japanese.
The encoding is "Shift-JIS".

Here are some META tags we use for imode sites we develop in our company:

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=x-sjis">
<META name="CHTML" content="yes">   <---- used by imode search engines.

Note that a few more exceptions in addition to MARQUEE.

You can find a lot more information about imode in our imode-FAQ:

Best regards,

Gerhard Fasol
Eurotechnology Japan K. K.

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2000 14:03:53 UTC