Re: WAP Competitors ?

Yes.....KVM - Kilobyte Virtual Machine from  Sun.
Some companies are trying to propose this as a standard
for software deployment on the mobile nodes. Well the crux of
this is much-hyped Java.

KVM is a lightweight version of Java virtual machine tailored
specifically for devices with low memory, computing power etc.
If KVM is installed on a mobile entity, it will be able to run
Java programs....and these programs can be browsers...servlets.. application....

But Java is proprietary....that means companies using this 
technology will have to pay royalty. 

Lets see who wins in the battle of technology n commerce...


Sandeep Jain                    Office: MTH 405
Graduate Student                Phone : 765-494-5006
Computer Science Department     URL:
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1398.                   

On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, Sandeep Hundal wrote:

> Are there any alternatives to WAP ?
> Out of interest...
> Sandeep

Received on Friday, 3 March 2000 22:17:49 UTC