Re: Request for review: CC/PP specifications

> > 3. I quote:
> > > For instance, a transcoding proxy may be
> > > able to convert HTML to WML.
> > Not possible. It may be possible to convert from XHTML to WML though,
> > XSLT. [...]
> I beg to differ.  We have developed a product which does exactly that,
> acting as an HTML to WML proxy server and is transparent to the user,
> not to mention the other organisations such as Google that do a
> (rudimentary) conversion of HTML to WML.

Any system that does so will be based on proprietary means and fuzzy logic
only. Converting SGML to XML is not sensible, but I agree that in some
circumstances it HAS to be done. There is no way that any other means than
XSLT will be anywhere near as effective or as well controlled. I would be
happy to review an example of this system-in-motion, 'though.
The main problem is how you handle invalid don't have problems
like that with XML! As the CC/PP system is based on an XML language (RDF), I
think it would be fairer to say that any implementations of it, although
server side, will still be more congruent if they nestle neatly inside
current applications; i.e. XML goes with XML, SGML goes with SGML
Architectures (which are rarely valid anyway).

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
President and Founder
WAP Tech Info -

Received on Thursday, 31 August 2000 08:24:24 UTC