Reminder: MathML meeting on Thursday

 We meet at: 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, 6pm GMT, 7pm Central European Time.

The meeting details were sent to the W3C members-only "member-math" mailing
list <> for
the group. The regulars for this group should have the meeting details in
their calendars.

We are back to one hour meetings. We will continue our march through open
issues. It is highly unlikely we can get through all of them, so it is
helpful if people review some of them and see if they have opinions.

1. Announcements/Updates/Progress reports
2. Closing intent issues?

   - List of open issues
   - Discussion done?   #421 (Moritz?), #433
   - Language-related: #425, #434,
   - These may be pending (small?) clarifications/examples in the spec
   text:  #441, #454
   - Conflicting intents and conflicting properties: #439, #449
   - Popovers and screen readers: #465

3. Review Core intent names and properties (related to #410, #432)

Received on Thursday, 27 April 2023 07:08:22 UTC