New Branch for MathML 4 drafts

The default branch of the MathML 4 Draft at

has been changed  from "gh-pages" to "main"

If you have a clone or fork of the repository please  make sure that you
branch from the "main" branch rather than "gh-pages".

The gh-pages branch should now just be left to be under the control of
the github action respec workflow which will export a version of the
draft and push to gh-pages on each commit. The exported version is
available at

with the version at

being the "live" respec source as before.

This github action workflow is now identical to the one set up for

The exported spec.html version should take noticeably less time to
display as it avoids much of the work respec has to do to construct the
document, it is also apparently works better with some screen readers.



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Received on Thursday, 5 May 2022 19:13:56 UTC