Reminder: MathML general meeting on Thursday

 We meet at our standard time on Thursday, 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, 7pm
Central European Time.

The meeting details were sent to the W3C members-only "member-math" mailing
list <>
for the group. The regulars for this group should have the meeting details
in their calendars.

1. Announcements/Updates
2. Review the MathML 4 (actually 3) doc <>

We need to begin serious editing of the old MathML 3 draft to bring it up
to date with core and with the plans to move the large amount of
informative material to a separate informative document. That is the focus
of this meeting (and probably many more in the future).

Unless someone has a better plan, we will walk through the document section
by section marking sections to move and sections to rewrite and assigning
people to work on each section. This is a big task and it will require many
people to accomplish this by our deadline, so I hope people are willing to
step up and help with this task.


Received on Thursday, 24 February 2022 01:23:50 UTC