Minutes: MathML intent meeting 2 Sept


   - Christopher Comninel
   - Sam Dooley
   - Brian Kardell
   - David Farmer
   - Deyan Ginev
   - Patrick Ion
   - Charles LaPierre
   - Paul Libbrecht
   - Louis Maher
   - Murray Sargent
   - Neil Soiffer
   - Stephen Watt
   - Daniel O'Mahony
   - Moritz Schubotz
   - Cary Supalo



   Laurence Zaysser

   David Carlisle


NS: We had a short core meeting on Monday August 30, 2021. In that meeting,
BK discussed the "Open Collective" as a means of requesting funds to
support MathML implementation. He worked with MUS and NS to raise money.
Agalia currently funds most of the work.

NS: encourages people who work for companies to ask for funding.

NS: Link https://opencollective.com/mathml-core-support

NS: is trying to get a response for a meeting with ARIA during the TPAC
Gap Analysis Doc

NS and DG took a geometry problem from [MathCounts] as a demonstration.
They wrote up the problem as it would be read verbally both without and
with semantics.

That problem was used as an example for further topics in the document.

NS: wants to work on Parallel Markup.

SD: MUS and MOS have worked on it.

SD: talked about the scope of the "parallel" topic discussion.

MOS: what are the elements of the content markup.

NS: wants the document authors to agree on the syntax of the example being
used to demonstrate the various topics in the document.

The document used a demonstration element, called point, in the intent
description. Point is not a standard MathML element.

DG: said that the document pointed out that there were many ways to deal
with CD's (Content Dictionaries).

SD: We have different places to look for names of operators.

PL: If we use "point" we will have to describe what kind of object "point"
is. We should not put "point" in the charter.

NS: We should not talk about the lack of proper names in MathML in this
document. The ways that can be resolved is not germane for the gap analysis.

*Action:* SD, MOS, and DG will clean up the parallel section by removing
all the comments.

NS: There are discussions which have been moved to the bottom. These
discussions need work.

NS: does not want the gap document to be more than 15 pages long.

*Action:* PL: wants to expand the paragraph on "Conversion, Computation and

*Action:* NS andDG will work on the ARIA label discussion.

MOS and DG talked about the "Structured data via schema.org" section.

NS: would like to move this section lower in the document.

MOS: can this be used for search and accessibility? This would be future

*Action* CL: working on Schema.org. Might describe old MathML versus
current MathML.

NS: asked if anyone else wants to take responsibility for any other parts
of the document.

NS: hopes to start real editing by next meeting. Move it to a place where
math can be shown.

The gap document editors have not yet volunteered. NS will be one of them.

PL: The brainstorming part of writing this document is almost done.

Received on Friday, 3 September 2021 19:27:56 UTC