CICM 2021, July 26-31, Call for online participation

Dear www-math list, an exciting week is starting tomorrow with 
conference presentations and with a workshop series.

  14th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics

  - CICM 2021 -

  July 26-31, 2021

  *Participation on Zoom is FREE after registration*


  Digital and  computational solutions are becoming  the prevalent means

  for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of

  mathematical information.

  CICM brings together the many separate communities that have developed

  theoretical and practical solutions for mathematical applications such

  as computation, deduction, knowledge  management, and user interfaces.

  It offers  a venue for  discussing problems  and solutions in  each of

  these areas and their integration.

  CICM 2021 Programme committee:


  CICM 2021 submissions are about all topics relating  to intelligent

  computer mathematics, in particular but not limited to

  * theorem proving and computer algebra

  * mathematical knowledge management

  * digital mathematical libraries

  CICM appreciates the  varying nature of the relevant research in this

  area and presents a mix of submissions of different forms: regular

  papers, project  and  survey  papers, system  and  dataset


  See you soon on-line!

Received on Sunday, 25 July 2021 13:27:51 UTC