Re: sources and outputs

While I agree that the target 1 documenting the result of modern authoring tools is likely to be the main target, I think that we must offer what is useful and doable to support the conversion from legacy MathML for some proportion.

I entirely agree that we shall not be able or should not attempt to codify a complete conversion as we all know it is not doable. In this sense, the middle case is quite a moving target.

A lot of this sounds to be about injecting intents where they are not there (e.g. because we know it is English).
One strategy could be to go “the dumb way” and codify a way to inject intents on legacy mathml and let the bad effects of this be felt by the users who would brag against the source. But I guess the strategy of defining what “structured-enough” could mean might be safer. Probably both will happen.


On 14 Jul 2021, at 15:49, David Farmer wrote:

> The current braille thread has mentioned the issue of how
> one interprets ambiguous markup.  I am starting this thread to
> ask to what extent ambiguous markup is within our scope.
> How will MathML come to us?  I see three ways:
> 1) A suitable authoring markup language, or a suitable editing
> environment, will produce content which encodes the meaning of
> the source mathematics.  That source will be transformed
> (somehow, and in a way we don't have to worry about)
> into MathML with intent information, following the rules which we
> will eventually agree on.
> Assistive technology, once it is made aware of the new rules,
> will be able to perfectly pronounce the resulting MathML.
> I think this is the most important case to support.  Our job is
> to describe rules for the end product:  MathML with intent information.
> ------
> The other extreme is:
> 2) Legacy material existing in the wild, and new material created
> with no thought about intent.  For example, Deyan's millions of equations
> in arXiv.
> This is a problem which has been around for a long time.  People like
> Neil S. have heuristics which do well in many common cases.
> I don't see that this is our problem.  As individuals many of us want
> to do something about this case, but why it is our job to say what to do
> with every bit of MathML that ignores the rules we are going to devise?
> -----
> And there is a broad middle case:
> 3) Legacy material, or new material, which is ambiguous but which could
> be improved by a small amount of editing.  This could involve adding
> "topic" information, such as "multivariable calculus".  (I don't think
> it matters whether the editing is by a human, or by a machine
> implementing the heuristics from 2) above.)
> Such efforts would decrease the number of ambiguous cases, but not
> eliminate them.
> I could go either way on whether this is our problem.  It would be
> helpful to provide some general principles.  But I see a difficulty
> avoiding the slippery slope of codifying all the heuristics of 2).
> And even if we did that, we know that misinterpretations would
> still be common.
> -----
> So my question is:  should we just focus on specifying the right
> way to encode the intent, for those cases where complete information
> is available to the system doing the encoding?
> And if we decide that we should also offer some advice on how to deal
> with legacy/ambiguous MathML, how far should we go?
> Regards,
> David Farmer

Received on Thursday, 22 July 2021 07:17:20 UTC