Fwd announcement "Towards MathJax 3.0"

Dear Friends --

Several days ago the MathJax team announced plans for
version 3 of MathJax.  It appears that the MathJax team no
longer wants their development path to be focused on
promoting native browser rendering of MathML.

However, as I understand it, their html/css and svg
renderings will continue to be derived from MathML and the
(MathJax versions of) Tex and ascii-math inputs will
continue to be available as author-friendly inputs for math.

I'm surprised that they seem not to have announced it here.
Someone else shared the announcement in "texhax", and I
think it to be of even more relevance here.  The team's
thoughts about diagrams are certainly relevant here.


                          -- Bill

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2015 21:41:52 UTC