Re: [XML-Entities] Question regarding some Unicode sequences

On 21/05/2014 20:55, William F Hammond wrote:
>>> I noticed that the Unicode sequences of more than one
>>> codepoints are assigned to some entities which already
>>> had single Unicode codepoints representation at the time
>>> of addition to MathML; e.g. "race" entity from isoamsb
>>> set is mentioned as U+223D U+0331 (REVERSED TILDE,
>>> COMBINING MACRON BELOW) while it can also be presented as
>>> U+22CD. Is there any specific reason for this preference?
>> While I think it _could_ have been defined the way you
>> suggest I don't think it should change now, it's been that
>> way in mathml (and now html) for a long time, and 22CD, if
>> you need it, already has two names bsime (from isaomsr)
>> and backsimeq so adding a third name for that symbol
>> wouldn't really help much and just lead to incompatible
>> definitions being used.
> U+0331 is a combining character.  It's use with U+223D leads
> to an image in my present Firefox with my default fonts that
> is too small, too far below the reversed tilde, and not
> centered below the reversed tilde.

Support for combining characters in browsers has been historically 
you should be happy that the line combines at all:-)

>   U+22CD is much better.

Sure, but you can use ⋍ or ⋍ or ⋍ to get that character
changing ∽̱ now wouldn't really help, even if updating the list is 

> (I don't see the reference to "race" as an entity name although
> I do see something in isoamsb.ent [MathML2 materials] pointing
> to U+E40C in Unicode private space.)

Not sure where you were looking? It's in the entities spec here

>                                      -- Bill


Received on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 20:05:58 UTC