Re: static CSS for math

Frédéric --

Thanks for your comments.

I *have* said that I may be walking in a blind alley on this.  I know that.
But one can do so much more now than just a few years ago.  It gives hope
but, so far, only hope.

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 1:59 AM, Frédéric WANG <> wrote:

> As I see, to know if an element matches "A > B" one only has to test its
> parent while to know if an element matches "B < A", one would have to test
> all its children. So the work necessary for things like "D < C < B < A"
> could grow exponentially with respect to the number of elements, ...

>From my viewpoint (at this moment) the reverse parent-child selector could
be limited to one generation.

My thinking in the wish list is that the items requested would be generally
useful, having application not limited to math.  Given past history, I
think we should approach things that way.

I'm not sure what you were saying about baselines -- I was not following
the Opera CSS thread that you say was abandoned.  But presently in the
flexible box world "baseline" is a property value for align-items.  Are you
worried that it might be taken away?

                       -- Bill

William F Hammond

Received on Friday, 13 June 2014 21:39:36 UTC