Re: Old-style numbers and calligraphic letters in OpenType math fonts

Le 25/07/2014 15:35, Frédéric WANG a écrit :
> - Asana Math and XITS have calligraphic variants.
> - Asana Math, Neo Euler and XITS have old style numbers.
> - Other fonts do not seem to have such variants (or they are 
> proprietary and I can test them).
Khaled Hosny pointed out that old style numbers are available for the 
text font and don't really make sense for the math font. So I updated my 
GitHub page to reflect that. Now, as I see, all the free fonts have old 
style numbers, but only Asana Math and XITS Math have calligraphic scripts.

Frédéric Wang

Received on Saturday, 26 July 2014 08:23:34 UTC