Re: W3C ENTITIES Combined Set

On 09/11/2013 19:23, Darton Williams wrote:
> I recently used the combined entities at
> as an inline DTD
> in MS SQL Server (this automatically resolves entities to their
> character codes) and noticed a couple of issues:
> 1. <!ENTITY amp "&#38;#38;" ><!--AMPERSAND -->
> The value should be "&#x00026;"
> 2. <!ENTITY lt "&#38;#60;" ><!--LESS-THAN SIGN -->
> The value should be "&#x0003C;"
> The values above were tested and produced the correct characters when
> rendered in a browser as HTML. The uppercase variants of these entities
> also contain incorrect values.
> 3. <!ENTITY nvlt "&#38;#x0003C;&#x020D2;" ><!--LESS-THAN SIGN with
> vertical line -->
> AFAIK, the value should be "&#x0003C;&#x020D2;" but I just noticed this
> one and haven't tested.
> Regards,

No, you need to quote & and <. an entity with definition "&#x00026;" 
would not be well formed.

See the definition of amp here:


Received on Sunday, 10 November 2013 18:00:54 UTC