Re: mstyle@accent applies to mo and munderover/mover descendants

On 01/08/2012 13:27, David Carlisle wrote:
> On 30/07/2012 15:26, Frédéric WANG wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> The "accent" attribute can be specified on mstyle but the MathML REC
>>  does not seem to specify whether it applies to mo or munderover
>> descendants. Since "accentunder" is allowed on mstyle, I guess
>> "accent" applies to munderover descendants. That's not really a
>> problem if it applies to "mo" or not (mo@accent is used to determine
>>  munderover@accent). However, that gives a dissymmetry between the
>> effect of mstyle@accentunder and mstyle@accent. So is it the intended
>> behavior that "accent" applies to both mo and munderover
>> descendants?
> Speaking personally I think the answer has to be yes.
> Looking at 3.3.4
> I think accent applies to munderover (and mover) because of the second 
> bullet point
> and it applies to mo because of the third.
> David 
Thanks, that's also how I read the spec. However, one paragraph below 
describes exceptions when two distinct elements share the same attribute 
name. In that case, mstyle has effect on only one of them. I'm wondering 
if that should also be the case for munderover and mo, but it seems that 
we probably want mstyle to have an effect on both elements (actually, 
munderover@accent should really have been called munderover@accentover).

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2012 11:40:40 UTC