Re: Wanted: MathML examples for use testing of MathML to speech

On 09/29/2011 12:46 PM, J.Fine wrote:
> Dear Bruce
>>> If is willing to make the MathML formulas
>> avaiable in a form I can use, I will happily use them, and
>> thank you also.  But otherwise, no.
>> Ah, I hadn't realized you wanted _all_ the formula and wanted
>> to redistribute them.... might be a bit different.
> No, I don't want them all.  I want examples (see subject).  I should have said:
> If is willing to make some MathML formulas avaiable in a form I can use, I will happily use them, and thank you also.  But otherwise, no.
> (I replaced 'the' by 'some'.)

Compared to creating your own collection
(as you suggested in your original question),
selecting & downloading the formula individually
from DLMF is easy, so I assume that's not
the issue.  Presumably, the licensing is?

The DLMF editors chose the more traditional
approach of reserving all rights, and letting
potential special case users ask explicitly
for the rights to do special things.
This is in contrast to the blanket open-source
in advance approach.

In other words, you probably can do with it
what you want, but you'll have to ask.

If neither of these are the issue, then I'm
at a loss.  Perhaps you should be very explicit
about what's wrong with the various offered maths,
or create your own set?


Received on Friday, 30 September 2011 15:24:28 UTC