Re: [MathML-Last-Call] Inherited attributes and default values

Fixed, as follows.

1) Changed the default value of displaystyle on mtable to
   "inherited (false)".

Added text to describe that mtable makes an automatic change of the
value of displaystyle to "false" if the attribute is not present.

2) Added text to describe that mscarries makes an automatic change of
the value of displaystyle to "false".

3) Changed the default value of scriptsizemultiplier on mscarries to
   "inherited (0.6)".

Added text to describe that mscarries changes the default value of
the inherited scriptsizemultiplier to 0.6.  The effect is that the
inherited value should override the default value, but the default
value, inside mscarries, should be 0.6.


Checking in presentation-markup.xml;
/w3ccvs/WWW/Math/Group/spec/xml/presentation-markup.xml,v  <--  presentation-markup.xml
new revision: 1.304; previous revision: 1.303

At 11:57 AM 11/9/2009, Sam Dooley wrote:
>The mstyle element (section specifies that an attribute that
>is not normally inherited, such as linethickness on mfrac, may have a
>default value that may be changed by an attribute on mstyle.
>Some clarification is needed for cases of inherited attributes that are
>given default values on other elements.  The troublesome attributes are
>displaystyle and scriptsizemultiplier.
>If the default value should override the inherited value, then mstyle
>cannot be used to change the default value, as it is described to do
>for other attributes.  If the inherited value should override the
>default value, then the default value for these attributes has no
>meaningful effect.
>Suggested changes:
>1) displaystyle on mtable (section 3.5.1)
>displaystyle on mtable should be marked as an inherited attribute,
>and the text should describe that mtable makes an automatic change
>to set displaystyle to false if the attribute is not present.
>This is how displaystyle is described for other elements that make
>automatic changes to displaystyle and/or scriptlevel.
>As on other elements, the automatic change should override the
>inherited value.
>2) displaystyle on mscarries (section 3.6.5)
>The mscarries element should make an automatic change to set
>displaystyle to false, to match other elements that change the
>As on other elements, the automatic change should override the
>inherited value.
>3) scriptsizemultiplier on mscarries (section 3.6.5)
>scriptsizemultiplier on mscarries should be marked as an inherited attribute,
>and the text should describe that mscarries makes an automatic change to the
>default value that is used in its child elements.  The description should
>specify that while mscarries changes the default value, it uses the inherited
>value if one has been set.
>This way, mstyle can be used to supply the inherited value for mscarries,
>and mscarries can use the specialized default value if the inherited value
>has not been set by mstyle.

Received on Thursday, 19 November 2009 20:06:37 UTC