[MathML-Last-Call] mstyle attribute exceptions

Several fixes are needed to the description of certain exceptional
attributes that are allowed on the mstyle element:

1) The 'height', 'depth', and 'width' attributes on mstyle should
not be used to affect mglyph.

2) The 'rowalign', 'columnalign', and 'groupalign' attributes on
mstyle should not be used to affect 'maligngroup'.

3) The 'fontfamily' attribute on mstyle should not be used to
affect mglyph, and the 'index' attribute should not be allowed
on mstyle.

4) The 'align' attribute on mstyle should apply to 'munder', 'mover',
and 'munderover', not to 'mtable' and 'mstack'.

The first and last paragraphs of section have been modified
to reflect these changes.

/w3ccvs/WWW/Math/Group/spec/xml/presentation-markup.xml,v  <--  presentation-markup.xml
new revision: 1.289; previous revision: 1.288

(new first paragraph)

The mstyle element is used to make style changes that affect the
rendering of its contents. It can be given any attribute accepted by
any other presentation element, except for the attributes described
below. In addition, the mstyle element can be given certain special
attributes listed in the next subsection.

(new last paragraph)

MathML specifies that when the attributes height, depth or width are
specified on an mstyle element, they apply only to mspace elements,
and not to the corresponding attributes of mglyph, mpadded, or
mtable. Similarly, when rowalign, columnalign, or groupalign are
specified on an mstyle element, they apply only to the mtable element,
and not the mtr, mlabeledtr, mtd, and maligngroup elements. When the
lspace attribute is set with mstyle, it applies only to the mo element
and not to mpadded. To be consistent, the voffset attribute of the
mpadded element can not be set on mstyle. When the deprecated
fontfamily attribute is specified on an mstyle element, it does not
apply to the mglyph element. The deprecated index attribute cannot be
set on mstyle. When the align attribute is set with mstyle, it applies
only to the munder, mover, and munderover elements, and not to the
mtable and mstack elements. The required attributes src and alt on
mglyph, and actiontype on maction, cannot be set on mstyle.

Received on Thursday, 5 November 2009 19:02:43 UTC