Re: [MathML3-last-call] bad example using mscarries


/w3ccvs/WWW/Math/Group/spec/xml/presentation-markup.xml,v  <--
new revision: 1.288; previous revision: 1.287

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:47 PM, Neil Soiffer <> wrote:

> The first example using carries in (Addition and Subtraction) is
> wrong.
> <mstack>
>   <mscarries crossout='updiagonalstrike'>
>     <mn>2</mn> <mn>12</mn> <none/>
>   </mscarries>
>   <mn>2,327</mn>
>   <msrow> <mo>-</mo> <mn> 1,156</mn> </msrow>
>   <msline/>
>   <mn>1,171</mn>
> </mstack>
> The crossout would apply to the digit below the <none/> which is not
> intended.  This can be fixed by adding a mscarry around <none/> as in:
> <mstack>
>   <mscarries crossout='updiagonalstrike'>
>     <mn>2</mn> <mn>12</mn> <mscarry crossout='none'> <none/> </mscarry>
>   </mscarries>
>   <mn>2,327</mn>
>   <msrow> <mo>-</mo> <mn> 1,156</mn> </msrow>
>   <msline/>
>   <mn>1,171</mn>
> </mstack>
> Neil Soiffer
> Senior Scientist
> Design Science, Inc.
> ~ Makers of MathType, MathFlow, MathPlayer, MathDaisy, WebEQ, Equation
> Editor ~

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2009 22:31:36 UTC