Re: interesting developments -- Was: Enhanced support ...

Thanks for the reply.

Michael Kohlhase <> writes:

>>    arXMLiv:
>> I can see statistics, but I'm not able to see the translated
>> results.  Are they available?
> Bill, this is a pet project of Bruce's and mine, the statistics and
> the transformation currently only apply to the first (and critical)
> part of the transformation from LaTeX to a LaTeX-near XML format of
> Bruce's. We want to go for the next step when we hit 50% success rate
> in the first step (this should be relatively soon).

Translating LaTeX is not my recommendation for new documents.

Nonetheless it is important for legacy documents.  My guess
(only a guess) is that one will never get much beyond 60% because
of author glitches that LaTeX tolerates (unless authors get
better).  I cited a well-prepared (and interesting) document that
contains the equivalent of $(x$) at one point.

I do agree that one will get best possible results by translating
to a document type that models LaTeX.

                                    -- Bill

Received on Friday, 21 September 2007 12:29:40 UTC