Re: Mathematical selection

Michael Kohlhase wrote:
> we have already talked about this, and I would like to publically 
> re-state my opinion that only approach #2 can really work.
Do you have pointers about this ?
At least I don't think there's anyone implementing it... do I mistake ?
If not... my +1 to put this in a revised spec (or a note?) as this is 
the only way to avoid trying to have scripts replace the work of 
selection and copy.
> Of course, you will only realistically get parallel markup, if you 
> generate it from content-oriented methods anyway :-).
The bone question is whether level 1 is still sensible... I sort of 
believe that if this is implemented, authors (and gui-editors) will put 
more brackets mrows... otherwise, we can,

Can producers of plain MathML-presentation speak about it ?
Are there situations where such a sub-term selection would be worse than 
the text selection?



Received on Thursday, 30 March 2006 10:46:41 UTC