Inline equations

I\'ve noticed that when I paste a mathml expression converted by MathType in
a web page, sometimes there is the words \"display=\'block\'\" in the <math>
tag at the beginning of the expression; this causes the equation been
centered in the page (like a <p align=\"center\">). I don\'t want this
behaviour, so generally I delete that words (when I want the equation as an
\"inline equation\"). In this case, the equation is displayed (rendered)
\"smaller\" than a normal expression.
Now, in some cases I\'ve found the tag <mstyle displaystyle=\'true\'>, this
makes the equation rendered at its normal size (or I think so...). I\'m
trying to insert this style tag in the css associated with the page, but I
don\'t know how to do...
I\'m trying this:
math {mstyle-displaystyle: true;}
or something similar, but it doesn\'t seem to work. How have I to declare it
in the css?
Many thanks.
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Received on Monday, 13 March 2006 11:25:14 UTC