Re: inclusion of input elements in MathML


Thanks for your suggestion.  I have long thought that at a minimum,
<maction> could easily be extended to allow input.  There might be a
better solution, but that would be an easy way to implement

Steve Hunt from the first MathML group coined the term "hot spot"
editing to describe this kind of functionality, e.g. making an
equation where just an exponent is an editable field, etc.  

>        The recent discussions  reminded me an issue that (I think) we have 
> discussed here before but I thought it would be good to mention now that 
> version 3 is being considered.
>        I can't find now the relevant discussion but the issue was that 
> it would be handy if (presentation) MathML could represent somehow input 
> elements in order to have MathML fragments with missing parts that the 
> user could fill (for example, inclusion of (x)form elements -at least 
> some like input and select- would be ok).
>     I know for sure that there are several people and project that would 
> second this. For now we silently include input elements and we manage to 
> get away thanks to Mozilla's tolerance that allows it and render  it 
> fine. In other cases, when converting to paper or for IE we have to 
> convert the MathML to XHTML first to stop plugins (e.g MathPlayer) from 
> trying to parse this invalid MathML.


Dr. Robert Miner                      
Director of New Product Development                   651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc.   "How Science Communicates"

Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2005 15:40:17 UTC