Re: coordinates content MathML


We must keep in mind that the role of a last call is primarily
to capture  outright errors.  That decision at that point in time 
really only reflects two things:

1) The issue was not judged an outright error in the draft.
2) An extension mechanism of csymbol and a definitionURL
existed as a workaround that could be used while "measuring"
the real demand for any particular extension for a future draft.

We cannot ignore the context in which it was made and 
The decision might have different if it were not "last call."

In general the real challenges for adding new elements are:

1) tracking level of demand for elevating a particular concept
to the explicit list.
2) Weighing the benefit of adding an explicit representation
against the benefits of a stable recommendation that can relied
upon for stability.

I think you'd agree that any decision to change the recommendation 
to include new first class elements should be done systematically.

As a first step to helping such concepts migrate to a more official 
status, we might consider providing a public list of "proposed extensions" 
whose absence has caused significant note since the release of the last 
recommendation.  Just use csymbols and point the definitionURL at 
a definition (perhaps OpenMath), would be enough so it needn't be
a heavyweight construct.

We also should not be afraid to use the extension mechanism while
we are "measuring" the demand for particular constructs and 
getting ready to make an informed decision.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 05:37:22PM +0000, W Naylor wrote:
> The point of representing n-tuples was brought up by Andreas Strotmann
> The discussion appears in the MathML 2.0: last Call Dispositions at:
> just search for n-tuple, it appears the resolvers believe that 
> "It has been decided to continue to use lists and/or vectors to represent 
> n-tuples at this time since whenever the standard definitions of a list 
> (or vector) are inappropriate, the simple act of adding a definitionURL 
> can be used to transform them into an appropriately defined object."
> I guess you can use OpenMath to define such an object
> all the best,
> Bill
>  On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, George Georgiou wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> >   
> >     thanks for the responses in previous answers. I 'd like now to ask
> > if there is any construct in content MathML that I could use for
> > representing coordinates like the following:
> > 
> > (1,2,x) 
> > 
> >     I thought at first to use vectors but then there is no way to
> > differentiate from vectors and my rendering has problems. I would
> > think that there must be a point or coordinates element but I can't
> > see one. Any ideas what could mathematically be close ?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Received on Thursday, 24 March 2005 01:58:17 UTC