Re: Error in MathML Spec Second Edition


Errors noted.  Thanks.


Dr. Robert Miner                      
W3C Math Interest Group Co-Chair                      651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc.   "How Science Communicates"

> Hello,
> I would like to report two errors in MathML Spec.
> First error
> There are three items in Horizontal Stretching Rules such as:
> List Item One
> If a stretchy operator, or an embellished stretchy operator, is a direct sub-expression of an munder, mover, or munderover element, or if it is the sole direct sub-expression of an mtd element in some column of a table (see mtable), then it, or the mo element at its core, should stretch to cover the width of the other direct sub-expressions in the given element (or in the same table column), given the constraints mentioned above. 
> List Item Two
> If a stretchy operator is a direct sub-expression of an munder, mover, or munderover element, or if it is the sole direct sub-expression of an mtd element in some column of a table, then it should stretch to cover the width of the other direct sub-expressions in the given element (or in the same table column), given the constraints mentioned above. 
> List Item Three
> In the case of an embellished stretchy operator, the preceding rule applies to the stretchy operator at its core. 
> List Item One equals to List Item Two plus List Item Three. List Item One or set of Two and Three
> should be deleted.
> Second Error
> Example rendering result in Attributes of mfrac.
> image/f3007.gif is not a correct presentation of the same example of markup.
> I hope they will be revised in a future.
> Best regards,
> Tokushige Kobayashi
> Antenna House, Inc.
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> Antenna House XSL School

Received on Monday, 8 November 2004 23:28:07 UTC