Re: MathML and CSS

On 16-May-04, at 14:09 Uhr, White Lynx wrote:
> Content is content and is carried by markup language,

Well, then I have missed something.
I may be illiterare but I know no-way a piece of XHTML can refer to 
some semantics somewhere.

Sorry to have used the wrong name, the correct name is "parallel 

MathML has this ability to have a presentation markup hinting to a 
It is called "parallel markup" and I think it's very important for any 
purpose like "copy and paste", "machine-readability", or just about any 
semantic web application.

Mathematics were relatively ready for such purposes... merging them 
into CSS would sort of loose this!


PS: it would even loose the ability to consider as math an XML-extract 
whereas previously it was possible to have, with limited generality, a 
good consideration of the mathematical nature of a 
presentation-mathml-snippet, allowing it to be pasted in Maple and 
Mathematica, for example.

> while formatting is formatting and it is more convenient to handled it 
> by style sheets. 'Synchronized content and presentation subtrees' 
> sounds to naive for me, compare
> <munderover>
> <mo>&sum;</mo>
> <mrow><mi>i</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow>
> <mi>n</mi>
> </munderover>
> and
> <msubsup>
> <mo>&sum;</mo>
> <mrow><mi>i</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow>
> <mi>n</mi>
> </msubsup>
> They both carry the same semantics but have different formatting.
> Is it your synchronisation?

Received on Monday, 17 May 2004 16:05:24 UTC