Re: e-notation definition missing from MathML 2nd ed schemas?


Regarding the particular bit of Schema you sent: e-notation
is unusual in that it allows a <sep/> tag in the content, to
delineate the two parts of the number.  It looks like the
snippet of XML Schema you sent only has the part for adding
e-notation to the enumeration for the 'type' attribute.  Is
the <sep/> tag already handled by some other part of the
MathML Schema, or does it need to be added somewhere too?


Mike Hucka, Ph.D.                 
Control and Dynamical Systems, MC 107-81  tel: +1.626.395.6911
Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA          fax: +1.702.554.3067

Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 23:19:52 UTC