unicode.xml misses spaces in LaTeX mappings


  I'm current using file "unicode.xml" that is "a collection of
information about how to map Unicode entities to LaTeX" and is "part of
the MathML 2 Recommendation XML source":


  I suspect that this file has several mistypes: not all TeX commands
have a space at the end.

  Correct example:

| <character id="U00024" dec="36" mode="mixed" type="normal">
|  <afii>00A4</afii>
|  <latex>\textdollar </latex>
|  ...
| </character>

  Incorrect example:

| <character id="U00306" dec="774" mode="mixed" type="diacritic">
|  <afii>00C6</afii>
|  <latex>\u</latex>
|  ...
| </character>

  I think that in the last example correct mapping is
"<latex>\u </latex>", not "<latex>\u</latex>".

  If you think that it is an error, then below is the list of incorrect

  Text mode:

0x00306: r'\u',
0x0030A: r'\r',
0x0030B: r'\H',
0x0030C: r'\v',
0x0030F: r'\cyrchar\C',    <-- by the way, I don't think that it is
                               the combining double grave accent
0x00327: r'\c',
0x00328: r'\k',
0x027FF: r'\sim\joinrel\leadsto',
0x1D6DC: r'\in',
0x1D716: r'\in',
0x1D750: r'\in',
0x1D78A: r'\in',
0x1D7C4: r'\in',

  Math mode:

0x002D8: r'\u',
0x00300: r'\grave',
0x00301: r'\acute',
0x00302: r'\hat',
0x00303: r'\tilde',
0x00304: r'\bar',
0x00306: r'\breve',
0x00307: r'\dot',
0x00308: r'\ddot',
0x0030C: r'\check',
0x02022: r'\bullet',
0x020A7: r'\Elzpes'.

  Regards, Oleg

Received on Friday, 9 April 2004 14:25:45 UTC