Re: Possibly OT request for suggestions

Hi Todd,

"Todd O'Bryan" <> wrote:

> We'll be writing the program in Java, and I'm not sure if we
> should try to go from visual markup to graphical representation, with
> the understanding that we'll get from semantic markup to visual
> representation somehow, or if we should try to go straight from
> semantic markup to graphical representation.

so the alternatives are:

- from semantic markup to visual representation 
- from semantic markup to grapical representation 

? I must say I don't see what the difference is.

> I'd hoped that there was an open source Java project already doing
> something like this, but Google isn't turning up much.

I don't know of any Java open source project, unfortunately. has a pretty good list of
MathML software, by the way.

> Would someone with some more perspective on MathML, math typography,
> and possible suggestions about what to try and what to avoid be
> willing to have a short conversation with me about my options, either
> on-list or off?

You should definitely keep it on list, so this can be helpful to
others and properly archived.


Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2003 11:09:38 UTC