Re: cancelling fractions


> I have a related question: what is the correct way in MathML to tag
> "crossed out" parts of fractions, used to indicate terms that have been
> cancelled? If it is a single letter or number, then the combining solidus
> U+0338 would do the trick, but is there a way to indicate a line through a
> whole expression? Should I use
> <mrow>...the expression...</mrow><mo>&#x0336;</mo> ?

This won't work properly in MathPlayer.  I haven't tried Mozilla.

My own preference would be to use the <menclose> construct.  I have
long thought this is really the right way to do strikeouts, since it
is more in line with the MathML philosophy of explicitly binding
operators to expressions:

<menclose notation="NESWslash">
  <mrow> ... the expression ... </mrow>

I haven't thought about the right collection of values for the
notation attribute, but you would obviously want NESW and NWSE

If this is very important to you, I might be able to slip it into the
current MathPlayer development cycle still.  I would be very
interested to hear what the rest of the list thinks of this as well.


Dr. Robert Miner                      
MathML 2.0 Specification Co-editor                    651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc.   "How Science Communicates"

Received on Thursday, 31 July 2003 12:04:39 UTC