Accented variables

In TeX there are specific accents for math: \tilde A etc. In MathML there
does not seem to be such a thing. The msup, mover etc. constructs are much
less specific and much more variable: for example, some people may use
∼, others may use ˜, for the tilde accent. They seem to encode the
idea that one may use any character as a superior to or over another
character. For the well-known math accents that is not appropriate; one
would like to use specific accent characters.

Is there a specific or recommended set of characters which are suitable for
accents on math variables? The symbols in the entities file isodia.ent may be a good candidate set. But
they are all spacing accents, which by themselves are already higher and
smaller than a normal character. This situation seems to be identical to the
prime, discussed on this list:

As an extreme example, ˙ is dot above. Using it in an munder would not
seem appropriate:
In fact, it works nicely in MathPlayer and Mozilla.

Simon Pepping
DTD Development and Maintenance

Received on Friday, 25 July 2003 08:10:07 UTC