Entity-references and Doctype declarations

I used Davids help to create an xsl file, that translate some parts of a 
mathml page into somthing that mathplayer can eat and some, that 
InputControl can eat.
This succeeded very well, util I tested it with mathml containing entity 
references like:

∬, ∮ and é

This was absolutely not acceptable for IE-6.0 that announced that it found 
an error:

Reference to undefined entity 'conint'.

This I could avoid by adding a doctype-declaration to the document.

<!DOCTYPE html
                  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN"

It slowed down the download-time a bit, but the worst thing was, that it 
added an overflow parameter to the code so that:

<math> became  <math overflow=...

This caused that InputControl from DesignScience reported the following error:
"overflow is an invalid parameter name >>  <math overflow="scroll"  "

This may be caused by Inputcontrol not supporting Mathml-2.0, so maybe I 
can solve the issue by using a dtd from mathml-1.1.

Can doctype declarations be avoided when it is crucial to use entity 
Can it be avoided that the overflow parameter is added? (Should it be 
avoided, or is that a BAD thing to do?)


Morten Andersen

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 19:09:36 UTC