Re: details for /Math/XSL/ at w3

William F Hammond <> writes:

>> 6.  XSLT sheets must be served through HTTP as "application/xml".
>>     (See RFC 3023; "text/xsl" is not a registered content type.)
>> yes mozilla is very fussy about this
>> (it probably also accepts xml+xsl,
>                             ^^^^^^^
>                        "text/xsl+xml" ??

That's not registered either. A mime type for XSLT is likely to be
registered soon, as instructed in the "Internet Media Type
registration, consistency of use" TAG finding [1]

> My reading of RFC 3023 leads me to conclude that since "normal people"
> do not read want to look at style sheets, "application/xml" should be
> used rather than "text/xml" for XSL/XSLT sheets.  Moreover, the sheets
> in /Math/XSL/ are served as "application/xml" (first noticed by me at
> the meeting on June 30).
> Is there any reason to prefer "text/xml"?

I can see arguments both ways, but since RFC3023 proposes
application/xslt+xml it is likely that that one would be
chosen. Unless the WG registers text/xsl, in order to stay consistent
with existing implementations.


Received on Thursday, 18 July 2002 12:52:46 UTC