Re: pmathml.xsl example

BM> Why doesn't the following example containing a character entity work?

I think that you must define this entity such it's not a Unicode

BM> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="pmathml.xsl"?>
BM> <html xmlns="">
BM> <head>
BM> <title>Presentation Examples</title>
BM> </head>
BM> <body>
BM> <p>An example
BM> <math xmlns=''>
BM>   <mrow>
BM>    <mi>a</mi><mo>&plusmn;</mo><mi>b</mi>
BM>   </mrow>
BM> </math>
BM> </p>
BM> </body>
BM> </html>

С уважением,
 Vasil I. Yaroshevich               

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2002 12:51:28 UTC