Inconsistency on web page "Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML"

(The URI of the subject page is

In the section "Including MathML in Web pages", item (2.), "Add a 
stylesheet processing instruction," under the "Off-line" heading, there are 
four links for the stylesheet documents (mathml.xsl, pmathml.xsl, ctop.xsl, 
and pmathml-css.xsl.

The link to the latter file is broken, as it points to a file named 

When downloading these files for local server use, should this file's name 
ending be changed to ".xsl" or should the link (and other references to 
this file elsewhere on the web page) be modified to read ".xml"?

Thank you, --MB

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 10:19:19 UTC