Validating MathML

Dear Friends,

	I incorporated MathML into my dtd like David said, but the STG
validator doesn't like it. BTW, I used the link from the w3c site:

<!ENTITY % mathml SYSTEM "">

I notice there are a bunch of .ent and other files in the directory that
was created by the downloadable version of the dtd. That probably has
something to do with it. I have two questions:

	Is this not a feasible way of checking validity? 

	I would like to download a validating parser, preferably a python
script, since that is what I'll use eventually. Does someone here have
some experience and can someone help?


Leonardo B. Lopes                              
Ph.D. Student                                              (847)491-8470
IEMS - Northwestern University    

Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2001 21:58:58 UTC