Re: MathMLPredefinedSymbol Java Binding

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, M J Hale wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if someone could clarify the purpose of the get/setArity()
> methods in the MathML Java bindings. As I understand the documentation,
> getArity should return the (maximum) number of arguments the symbol takes.
> But, I don't understand what setArity() should do. Isn't the arity of a
> symbol a readonly attribute? Also, is there an official list of what the
> arities of the various symbols are? The documentation covers things like
> add, minus, etc but what about tendsto, int, etc? Cam I take it that the
> number of arguments corresponds to the number of apply elements the symbol
> takes.

In order to get the arities of the different symbols, I think you should
look at Appendix C, of the MathML spec.

For each symbol there is a Signature from which you can deduce the arity,
as well as the specialisations in which it is applicable. As regards your
first question, some-one else will have to answer that!




Received on Thursday, 27 December 2001 15:38:18 UTC