Comments on the MathML test suite - Content

Some comments on the Content section of the test suite:

rendering is not consistent with code: code says (f+g)(z) and rendering 
is (f+g)(x)

the REC default rendering (uses the lambda symbol) is different from the 
one provided here (uses the right arrow)

in order to be consistent with the provided rendering, shouldn't the 
code be like this:
instead of this:

(replace <sin/> by <apply><sin/><ci>x</ci></apply>)

rendering is not consistent with code: code says 0 if x<0 and rendering 
is -x if x<0

the REC default rendering is different from the one provided here ("and" 
instead of "^")

the REC default rendering is different from the one provided here (in 
the REC, the variable is not rendered as a subscript of forall, and 
there is the ":" sign which is missing here)

*limit? and tendsto?
-several inconsistencies between the REC and the test suite as far as 
the rendering of tendsto is concerned when type is above
-the code is not consistent with the rendering in some examples (tends 
to has an attribute type with value "above" and it is rendered as a 
right arrow (should be down arrow))

the code given is only made of presentation markup


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Document Model and               |  6, Chemin de Maupertuis
Transformation Technologies      |  38240 Meylan, France
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Received on Thursday, 14 December 2000 08:57:42 UTC