top level tags

As indicated in chapter 7, the <math> tag is not directly supported
by browswers (except for the amiya browser).  Since probably most people
working on renderers are on this list, it would be useful if they could
post what is required (or recommended) to write out in order to invoke
their renderer.  Eg, for WebEQ, it wants something like:
(Robert:  please correct me if I am wrong).

<APPLET CODE="webeq.Main" WIDTH=xxx HEIGHT=yyy align=middle>
<PARAM NAME="parser" VALUE="mathml">
<PARAM NAME="size" VALUE=zzz>
<PARAM NAME="color" VALUE=ttt>
    mathml without the <math> tags.

	Neil Soiffer

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 1998 16:44:21 UTC