Re: Windows clipboard (again)


Kostya Serebriany made the following post to

> We are developing some kind of mathimatical software (curently for
> Windows only) and we want to copy/paste math from/to other aplications. 
> Is there some standard 'named type for negotiation' for MathML? If
> there isn't - let us make it. 
> I think 'Mathematical Markup Language' or 'MathML' will be ok.
>   MMLFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat ("MathML");
>   smth = GetClipboardData (MMLFormat);
> is better then checking the contents of clipboard for legal MML
> syntax.

I don't know if anyone else has dealt with this yet.  "MathML" sounds
good to me.  However, I have copied Paul Topping from Design Science
(MathType equation editor) and Angel Diaz (IBM techexplorer) on this
message, since one or both of them may have something else in the

I propose that if no one responds on this issue within week, we assume
that "MathML" will become the de facto standard.

--Robert Miner

Received on Monday, 10 August 1998 14:54:54 UTC