Bug fixes

Hello All,
I have recently been working with version 5.3.2 of the library, and would
like to submit some bug fixes back to the list. Some of them some arcane
initialisation problems which only occur if you try shutdown and restart of
the library within the same process (NB: this still doesn't work, if any
HTTP requests have been issued), but many of them are genuinely required
bug fixes - the Cookies code in particular, didn't seem to work at all.

NB: Implementing all these fixes eliminated all Purify warnings and errors
(Platform was Solaris 7).

   Patch 1


   Line  421  is  the  start  of  the if statement for handling the format,
   Weekday,  00-Mon-00  00:00:00  GMT. After the final strtol() call in the
   body  of  that if statement  (which is line 432, in my download), insert
   this  statement (NB: still within the body of the if that starts on line

        if ( tm.tm_year > 1900 ) {
             tm.tm_year -= 1900;

   Without  this,  cookies  with  4-digit years in their dates (ie. all the
   ones  that  I've seen !!) could not be parsed. This is also in line with
   RFC-1123, which updated the RFC-822 year spec from 2 digits to 4, and in
   any  case the Unix tm_year field is defined as the number of years since
   1900 - it is neither a CCYY value, nor a YY value.

   Later  on  (around line 511), this routine makes sure that tm_year is in
   the  range  70-120. I recommend removing that check, since all years can
   be  considered  equally  valid (or else require 1901-2038 instead, since
   that  is the range mktime() can handle, but then you would have to check
   months  and  days  as  well,  since  it  can't handle the whole of those
   boundary years).

   Patch 2


   The  for  loop  consists  of a single if statement. Insert the following
   statement at the end of the if statement (NB: at the end, not after it):

        hash_table[i] = NULL;

   Patch 3


   Insert this statement at the start of the routine.

        if (UserProfile) HTUserProfile_delete(UserProfile);

   Patch 4


   Zero UserProfile, immediately after deleting it.

     UserProfile = NULL;

   Patch 5


   Zero ParseSet, immediately after freeing it.

     ParseSet = NULL;

   Patch 6


   Insert this statement at the start of the routine:

        if (ParseSet) HTMIMEParseSet_deleteAll(ParseSet);

   Patch 7


   Insert this statement at the start of the routine:

        if (!ParseSet) return NO;

   Patch 8


   Line 121 looks like this (Uninitialised Memory Read)

        if (*(me->url+strlen(me->url)-1) != '/')

   Replace it with this:

        if ( (me->url[0] == 0) || (*(me->url+strlen(me->url)-1) != '/') )

   Patch 9


   Replace the entire routine, with this code:

        if (cookie_holder == NULL) {
             return NO;

        while (cookie_holder->next) {
        cookie_holder = NULL;
        return YES;

   The problem here was accesses to previously freed memory.

   Patch 10


   This routine starts off as follows:

        char * cookie_name = HTNextField(&value);
        char * cookie_value = HTNextField(&value);
        if (cookie_name && *cookie_name && cookie_value) {
             HTCookie * cookie = HTCookie_new();
             char * param_pair;

   Replace those 5 lines with these:

        char* cookie_name;
        char* cookie_value;
        char* param_pair;

        param_pair = HTNextParam(&value);
        cookie_name = HTNextField(&param_pair);
        cookie_value = param_pair;

        if (cookie_name && *cookie_name && cookie_value) {
             HTCookie * cookie = HTCookie_new();

   ... and then carry on with the body of the IF statement, as at present.
   The problem here was that cookies with null values could not be parsed.
   It may be that the real fix required here is to modify the leading while
   loop in all the HTWWWStr.c routines, so that it just says:

     while (*p && (isspace((int)*p)))

   (since all it has to do is find the start of the term).
   However, I presume that the other users of this module are working OK,
   so it seemed safer to limit my tinkering to the HTCookie module
   (although I did try those HTWWWStr fixes in my own application, with no
   ill effects).

   Patch 11

   Not  strictly  a  bug,  but compiling with -DNODEBUG transforms WWWTRACE
   from an integer variable to a #define'd zero constant (see HTUtils.h).
   This  seems  like an unnecessary and unexpected side effect of trying to
   get   rid   of   the   w3chttp.out  trace  file,  and  it  did  trip  up
   LineMode/src/HTBrowse.c (tries to assign to WWWTRACE).

   It  also  irritated  me a bit, because I prefered to set the trace level
   rather   than   by   calling   HTSetTraceMessageMask(),   and  explictly
   enumerating the trace types which I did want.

   Patch 12


   There is a memory leak here, as it doesn't free the HTAssoc members.
   They are allocated by this module, so it is probably its duty to free
   them (and HTAssocList_delete() already does so).

   The fix is to call HT_FREE(assoc->name) and HT_FREE(assoc->value),
   before the call to HT_FREE(assoc).

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Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 07:15:20 UTC