Some facts and questions about libwww-ssl


This message is mostly for those people who have already used libwww-ssl.

As you may know, I'm currently preparing a release of libwww and it's going
to include the libwww-ssl code too.

As I had not downloaded it from the beginning, I'm not sure if what I got
today is what existed before.

The situation:

- I have one CVS directory called libwww, which includes all we had before
- I also have another CVS directory called libwww-ssl, which includes the 
  SSL interface.

Both directories are indepedent and the compilation process is indepedent
too. I just finished compiling libwww-ssl. This is what I had to do:

- configure and compile libwww
- install openssl-dev
- configure and compile libwww-ssl

This created a new set of libraries: libwwssl.a,, ...

The things I don't know:

- were libwww and libwww-ssl always distributed separately?
- are there some test programs somewhere,  which I have missed?

I think I'll keep both zones separate. Of course, the process can be improved,
but at least we'll get a first version out.

Comments? :)



Received on Thursday, 8 June 2000 06:09:01 UTC